Alcohol Addiction Treatment
At Serenity at Summit, we recognize that every person who’s struggling to overcome their addiction has different needs. Depending on an individual’s history, physical health, type of addiction, and phase in the recovery process, different types of treatment may be necessary. Because of this, it’s important that all individuals have their own recovery plan.
Serenity at Summit takes an individualized approach to substance addiction assessment and treatment. Our team of medical and clinical professionals helps each person get the specific treatment necessary. When an alcohol detox program is required, we have the team and programs in place to help.
When is Entering an Alcohol Detox Facility Necessary?
It is often necessary for a person with a severe addiction to have direct medical supervision during the initial withdrawal period. This helps to ensure they overcome their addiction safely.
Everybody will not need to complete this step. However, it can be a critical first step in the addiction recovery process. Supervision can last from a few days to more than a week, and typically takes place in a hospital or a specialized alcohol detox facility.
Alcohol withdrawal can be dangerous. Symptoms vary in severity and can include:
- Sweating
- Nausea
- Shaking
- Seizures
- Anxiety
- Vomiting
- Hallucinations
Compassionate Care in Alcohol Detox Facilities
At Serenity at Summit, we have helped countless people begin their path to recovery. We see each person as a unique individual going through a struggle that could affect any one of us. Our team of professionals provides compassionate care and support, and we respect each and every person that seeks out one of our alcohol detox facilities for help.
Continuing Care in an Alcohol Addiction Treatment Center
Serenity at Summit is an addiction treatment center that focuses specifically on providing alcohol detox treatment.
While detox is an important first step for some people in overcoming the addiction, it is important to have continuity in the recovery process after the detox treatment is finished.
Serenity at Summit is a part of the Delphi Health Group network of addiction treatment centers. No matter what point in the recovery process a person is in, we have addiction programs to help along the way. We make sure each individual has the care they need for every step of their recovery.
Advanced Alcohol Addiction Rehab in NJ, PA, and MA
Alcohol addiction rehab at Serenity at Summit is approached in a comprehensive and integrative way. We believe in treating the entire person – mind, body, and spirit.
Our experienced team will assess at all of your medical and clinical needs and come up with an individualized program to address your specific issues.
Serenity at Summit provides each client with a licensed and skilled physician and clinician. Our physicians will help guide you through the detoxification or acute treatment services stage all the way to full recovery and relapse prevention. Our clinicians will help you gain insight into the causes of your addiction plus how to cope with the feelings associated with use.
What We Provide at Our Alcohol Treatment Centers
Not only do you have a certified and skilled team of professionals by your side at all times in the Serenity rehab program, but you also have access to a diverse range of treatment services.
Our Treatment Centers in New Jersey And Pennsylvania Offer:
- Rehabilitation and Detoxification Support
- Medical Support
- Individual and Group Therapy
- Educational Programs to Teach Optimal Stress Management and Coping Techniques
- Integrative and Holistic Service Options
- Peer Support and Mediation
- Family Therapy
- Individual and Group Therapy
- Ongoing (Continued Care) Support
- Family Counseling
Alcohol Addiction Defined: What is This Harmful Disease?
Alcohol addiction, commonly called alcoholism, is one end of a spectrum of substance abuse. Binge drinking, excessive drinking, and using alcohol to cope with daily stress are all forms of abuse. Standard use may be considered a drinking problem once alcohol begins to negatively and overtly affect the drinker’s life.
The transition from casual use to abuse is often a gradual one, and may not be immediately evident. Many people will escalate through phases of abuse before developing a full addiction.
Signs of Alcohol Addiction:
- Loss of control
- Preoccupation with consumption
- Continued consumption, despite negative life consequences
- Reduction in motivation outside of consumption
When someone exhibits the above signs, they may have an addiction to alcohol. In the U.S., there are an estimated 18 million adults who struggle with alcohol abuse or addiction annually.
Alcoholism vs. Problem Drinking: Is There a Difference?
Alcohol abuse, or problem drinking, refers to drinking habits that are self-destructive but do not necessarily interfere with basic functioning. Someone who is a problem drinker may regularly drink to excess without risking their job, relationships or safety.
Signs of problem drinking include:
- Binge drinking
- Lying about drinking habits or otherwise hiding consumption
- Legal consequences as a result of drinking
- Interference with professional and personal relationships
- Binge drinking alcoholism addiction rehab
- Habitually drinking more than initially intended
- Drinking to cope with emotions and stress
- Legal consequences as a result of drinking
- Interference with professional and personal relationships
Though not every problem drinker develops a more serious habit, continuing to abuse the substance can lead to dependence, or alcoholism. If you are a problem drinker, you may not require the same extent of medical assistance as an alcoholic, but you could still benefit from treatment.
What Causes Alcohol Addiction?
Alcohol addiction develops gradually. Repeated consumption will cause fluctuations in the standard balance of chemicals in the brain. As use continues, one’s judgment and perception of pain and pleasure may become skewed. Consistent substance exposure will cause your body to build a tolerance to it.
The effects originally delivered through minor consumption will later require double the initial level, if not more, encouraging further consumption.
There are certain lifestyle and environmental factors that will increase a person’s risk of developing an addiction.
Environmental Factors of Alcoholism:
- Family history of alcoholism
- Stressful work environment
- Social atmosphere conducive to drinking
- Introduction to alcohol at an early age
Effects of Alcohol Addiction
Those with mental health concerns, especially anxiety or mood disorders like depression, are at an especially high risk of developing this addiction.
Alcohol addiction causes a wide array of psychological, physical, and social side effects. The most common sign of alcoholism, however, includes continuing to drink despite the consequences. Alcohol addiction will cause someone to prioritize alcohol over everything else in their lives, which includes family, school, work, or social obligations. Health effects and other behaviors typically diagnose the disease of addiction.
Health Effects of Alcohol
Alcohol causes various health effects, and despite its legality, is one of the most deadly substances on the planet. Some short-term effects may include alcohol poisoning or blacking out. Long-term effects can include anxiety, depression, and various other diseases or disorders.
Social Effects of Alcohol
Friends or family members of those with struggling with alcoholism may also face the consequences of their friend or family member’s disease. Alcoholism can stunt the growth of relationships and can cause struggles to maintain healthy relationships with friends and loved ones.
Risks of Mixing Alcohol
Many who use alcohol will also use the substance in conjunction with other drugs. Alcohol is known to cause dangerous interactions with over-the-counter and some everyday substances. When alcohol is mixed with illicit or prescription drugs, the consequences can be fatal.
Understanding Binge Drinking
Another topic about alcohol addiction that isn’t covered is the prevalence of binge drinking.
Binge drinkers are men who consume five or more alcoholic drinks during a two-hour period. Women, however, are considered binge drinkers when they consume four or more drinks during the same period.
Infrequent binge drinkers often have no problems stopping alcohol use on their own, but someone addicted to alcohol cannot stop drinking without help. Prolonged binge drinking often leads to alcoholism.
Immediate Effects of Alcohol
As a central nervous system (CNS) depressant, alcohol slows down bodily processes. The first drink of alcohol results in decreased feelings of anxiety or stress and is frequently touted as a social lubricant. It means that drinkers are more likely to feel confident in meeting people and being less concerned about how others see them.
Since alcohol is widely accepted, it is hard to tell the difference between casual use and abuse. Any usage of alcohol that causes negative consequences, such as a DUI, is considered abuse. Other negative effects include:
- Physical illness
- Physical harm
- Strains on relationships
- Financial difficulties
- Problems at work
- Problems at school